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"All of us have moments from our childhood when we come alive for the first time.  And we go back to those moments and think, 'This is when I became myself' ". Rita Dove
​Guppies and Sea Turtle Classes (Infants and Toddlers)

We begin accepting infants at 6 weeks of age.  This is a critical time in your little ones life when their brain does the most growing.  We offer a safe, nurturing, stimulating and educational environment for these little ones.  

Your infant will enjoy being spoken to and sung to all day by nurturing caregivers in English and Spanish.  As well as tummy time, learning to sit up and learning to crawl.  They will be encouraged to stretch, roll and even speak. 

Your Toddler will learn their shapes, animal sounds and how to share. Do art projects and stimulating fine motor activities. Learn their counting and colors in English and Spanish.  Our Toddler Class even does an introduction to Yoga and learn to socially play with one another.  And enjoy a slew of large gross motor skills.


For the safety and care of our little ones, the Little Island Preschool offers:

              1. Antibacterial/AntiMicrobial UV Lighting:  To cut down on the spread and recirculation of germs we have Antibacterial and                                       Antimicrobial UV Lights in the air handlers.  This will cut down on germs, viruses and your little one being sick.  Offered in our Infatn                         and Waddler Classrooms

              2.  Cleanliness:  Classrooms, furniture and toys are cleaned and sanitized several times DAILY.

              3.   Camera Surveillance- In our Infant and Waddler classrooms we have camera monitoring in these younger classrooms to ensure an even higher level of safety with these nonverbal students.

​Our Starfish and Seahorse Classrooms (2- 3.5 year olds)

Your 2-Year old is probably practicing their new found "big boy/big girl" independence.  And their teachers will encourage that independence in positive ways that will foster a child who can do many things on their own.  Asides from social play, gross motor activities and art your 2-Year old will also do Yoga and Soccer each week.  Our 2-Year Olds also begin learning the Alphabet, name recognition and lots of story reading.  In this class they will also become potty trained!  A huge milestone for this group.  And your 2-Year Old will also be able to start taking part in the "big kid" activities like: Visits from the library reader, visits from the Fire Department and so much more.  The Starfish class is also where your little one will begin more advanced craft and art projects.  Once they move onto to the Seahorse Classroom they will begin working more on the literacy task and activities that the older classrooms are working on.

Our Dolphins and Tiger Sharks Classrooms (3.5- 5 year olds)

Our 3.5 -5 Year Olds all take part in Yoga, Soccer, and Visits from Professionals in the Community every week. Both of these classes also indulge in more advanced units of study that may involve cooking, craft projects, nature walks, gardening, scavenger hunts, cognitive processing, and teamwork.

Our Tiger Shark class is involved in an advanced literacy track that will have your "big kid" reading and writing to help prepare them for Kindergarten.  This class is also responsible for our garden here on campus that grows some of the healthy food that we eat each day.

All the children in our Dolphin and Tiger Shark classes will take part in giving back to the community.  They will learn that some people are less fortunate then others and take part in regular community outreach projects.  This will help us grow compassionate caring leaders for the future.

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